Récital de violon et piano
Camille Théveneau - violon Florent Ling - piano...
Camille Théveneau - violon Florent Ling - piano...
SOLD OUT General admission: $20, free for children under 12 years old Booking at "Floral Affaire", 166 High Street, Motueka 0r online Programme: HANDEL: Ciaccone N.8 in G Major VERA NIKITINE: Berceuse FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN: Berceuse op.57 | 2 studies op.25 | Valse op.64 No.1 | Fantaisie Impromptu op.66 ALEXANDER SCRIABIN: 2 studies SERGEI RACHMANINOFF: 2 preludes CLAUDE DEBUSSY: Clair de Lune FRANZ LISZT: Dance of...
General admission: $20, free for children and students under 25. Book your tickets at "La Gourmandise" (no service fees) 276 Hardy Street, Nelson or at any TicketDirect outlet (service fees apply): Theatre Royal, Nelson iSite, Richmond Mall, etc. Programme: MOZART, Sonata No.4 KV282 in E flat Major BEETHOVEN, Sonata No.8 op.13 “Pathetique” Interval CHOPIN, Nocturne...
JF Robert will perform a charitable concert for children with special needs and their parents. The 40-minutes programme will include a series of short and famous pieces from the piano repertoire....
JF Robert will perform a series of school concerts in the beautiful setting of Old St John's, on a full size Steinway concert piano. This programme for High Schools is especially designed for students already familiar with classical music and will include pieces of the classical...
JF Robert will perform a series of school concerts in the beautiful setting of Old St John's, on a full size Steinway concert piano. This programme for Primary Schools is especially designed for a younger audience and will include pieces of the classical piano repertoire, from Bach...
General admission: $20, free for children under 12 years old. Advance tickets sales at Unlimited Copies, 29 Commercial Street, Takaka, or online, click here. French pianist Jean-Francois Robert will give a piano recital on Piano on Tour’s concert grand piano. The setting is the beautiful, historical Golden Bay Church...
This charitable concert is sponsored by the NBS Takaka. JF Robert will perform a programme specially designed for children in the beautiful, historical setting of Golden Bay Anglican Church. Home-schooled children are most welcome to join. Please check availability with us....
This concert is sponsored by the NBS - Takaka. JF Robert will perform a programme of classical favourites, including works by Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, etc. ...